Vaccination and Health Care Day

Date: Saturday October 12th, 2024
Time: Between 9am - 4pm by appointmenrt
What is included:
Fowl Pox Vaccination
Infectious Laryngotracheitis ILT vaccine
Mareks Vaccination
Intestinal worming
External parasites treatment
Cost: only $30 per chicken
Venue: Rosie's Hospice of Compassion, Werribee
Hygiene/Safety: You will be assigned your own private area on arrival. Chickens will be treated in household flocks with all equipment and surfaces disinfected.
Vaccines will be administered by Nicole Beasley who has a BAgSc and is trained in administration of poultry vaccines and experienced Veterinary Nurse Emily Wells. Chickens who appear ill will not be vaccinated and will be referred to a Veterinarian.
Money raised from this event goes directly to Rosie's Hospice of Compassion to help cover medical expenses of sick, injured and abused chickens.
This is what is included in your booking fee:
Vaccination against Fowl Pox
About Fowl Pox :Fowl Pox is a very painful slow developing viral infection affecting both chickens and turkeys. It is quite common throughout Australia, especially in summer, when flies and mosquitoes are everywhere.
Symptoms: A chicken infected with Fowl Pox will be quieter than usual, may eat less and may show symptoms of respiratory illness. After a few days lesions will begin to form on any non-feathered areas of a chicken’s body.
There are two forms of fowl pox. Chickens affected with the dry form of Fowl Pox will develop small bumps or raised areas which eventually pop open and secrete pus which hardens into a crusty scab. Chickens affected with the wet form of Fowl Pox will also develop lesions. These lesions will typically affect the inside of an infected bird’s mouth, throat and trachea or on the conjunctiva of a bird’s eye. A chicken’s trachea may appear reddened and inflamed. The wet form is the more serious form of the two due to the fact that as the lesions grow and develop they may block air coming into the trachea causing suffocation.
Vaccination: Your chicken will receive this vaccination via a needle prick in the webbing of their wing. A positive take showing that the vaccination was successful, is indicated by swelling or formation of a nodular lesion or scab at the site of inoculation. Swelling and scabs will appear about 6 days post vaccination and disappear at about 2 weeks following vaccination.
Vaccination against Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
About ILT: This disease which is caused by a herpes virus most commonly occurs in mature hens. The disease is present in Australia and last year 4000 hens were tragically ordered to be euthanised by RSPCA in NSW due to this disease in a commercial facility in Lakesland.
Symptoms: Usually the first noticeable sign is watery eyes. Affected birds remain quiet because breathing is difficult. Coughing, sneezing, and shaking of the head to dislodge exudate plugs in the windpipe follow. Birds extend their head and neck to facilitate breathing and gape. Inhalation produces a wheezing and gurgling sound. Blood-tinged exudates and serum clots are expelled from the trachea of affected birds. Many birds die from asphyxiation due to a blockage of the trachea when the tracheal plug is freed.
Vaccination: Your chicken will receive this vaccination via an eye drop.
Vaccination against Marek's Disease
About Marek's Disease: Marek's disease is caused by a highly contagious herpes virus. It can be a problem in household flocks in Australia that are not vaccinated.This disease may also affect turkeys, pheasants, quail and game birds but is less common.
Symptoms: Marek's disease affects the nervous system causing paralysis of the legs, wings and neck; loss of weight and occasionally eye lesions and vision impairment. Marek's can also cause tumours in the major internal organs of chickens. Birds may show signs of depression, paralysis, appetite loss, weight loss, anaemia (pale combs), dehydration (shrunken combs) and sometimes diarrhoea. Some birds die without any signs being noticed.
Vaccination: Your chicken will receive this vaccination by subcutaneous injection
Treatment for intestinal parasites
About Intestinal parasites of chickens: Common intestinal parasites are round worms, capillary worm and tapeworm. Gape worm is a nasty parasite that affects the respiratory tract.
Symptoms: can include: worms in eggs, abnormal droppings, (diarrhea, foamy-looking, etc) weight loss, pale comb/wattles, listlessness, abnormal droppings, dirty vent feathers, worms in droppings or throat, gasping, head-stretching and shaking, reduced egg production and sudden death.
Treatment: Your chicken will be treated with Ivermectin drops of the back of their neck
Treatment for External Parasites
About external parasites of chickens:The main external parasites that are problematic for poultry are mites and lice. Mite parasites feed on the blood of chickens and can cause anaemia and possible death, while lice feed on dander and feathers. The red mite causes the most problems in poultry
Symptoms: Mites can cause skin irritation and restlessness in birds, darkened or dirty feather appearance, pale comb and wattle, anaemia, scabs or mites present around the vent, the breast, under wings and scaly legs. Large numbers of mites can cause death. Lice infestation can cause feather damage and the feathers to appear dull.
Treatment:Your chicken will be treated with ivermectin.
NOTE: following ivermectin treatment you will not be able to eat or feed the eggs back to your chickens for 14 days.